And Here We Are Again

Well, It's been a about a year now, so I guess it's time to write another entry (I really need to make up my mind about this thing, leave it or delete it? :P)
I've been religiously revived and I am now taking my religion a lot more seriously. It is really mindblowing how much progress you can achieve as a person in a few years. I mean, I thought myself to be moderately intelligent :P, self-aware and familliar with the world and its ways, but as the years pass and I look back at how I used to be, I only see someone who was oblivious to so many important things.
One of these things is religion. How could I have forsaken it for so long? Why? Why was I so blind to it? I mean I had been involved in it but never really committed to it and never really like this. But I now know what I must do. It is a fight, a battle, to preserve oneself, to tame yourself, to free yourself from this world and it's crumbling moral values and its justice. And I also got to know that it is a struggle and always will be. That temptation and the wrong choices will ALWAYS be there, ready to lull you into falsehood, into that which will in the end not only fail you but damn you.
We are the sum of our choices, no more, no less. We are what we choose to be and that choice will deliver us to The Good or The Bad.


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