Humility and its lack in society
A New Beginning, A New Purpose
And Here We Are Again
Having a blog
The purpose of it is to "document", if you will, my progression when it comes to language and the proficiency with which it is used. And although that started not so long ago ( 1 year ago, and how many entries? 10? =P) it also captures something else. That something else, is my personal development, something that will hopefully be evident the longer this blog progresses and persists.
It is for this reason I may write about the things I like or hate. The purpose isn't to have as many readers as possible and that is why it is also perhaps more appropriate to call these memoirs, not a blog and not a diary.
My poems however, although I don't write as many as I used to, are not published here but in facebook. Somehow facebook came to be the medium through which they will be published and kept but I also consider it quite fitting. The reason is because, unlike these entries, the idea of writing poems that will never be read is very discouraging. Facebook, being so socially connected, provides a very good alternative =)
It will be interesting to see how the coming years will be, BUT, for all I know, this idea may totally missfire because of my laziness =P
New Life
I'm sure you've all met those people who overflow with energy, who are almost hyper! They're always accommodating and friendly, always with the best intentions in mind and with no ulterior motives. They tend to get along with everyone and that also means that they know a lot of people and so drift around, going from here to there.
All of this reminds me of a book a fellow student mentioned, about people and Energy. There are also people who "feed" on the energy of others, only using everyone else without giving anything of their own. This is what I'm reminded of, and this person that I speak of, shares hers freely, with anyone.
Obviously, I write this after talking with such a person. Someone whom I have grown to hold very dear to me. Now, I don't know if she will read this and that doesn't really matter! Because the very least I could do is to thank you for being who you are. For being so kind and friendly, for being such a happy person with laughter only a heartbeat away.
Thank you! For everything you have done, intentionally or otherwise and Thank you for all the good things that you will do. Because you're that great a person! ^_^
-Your hairy friend forever
It's Time, beitches!
I always end up beginning an entry by relating how long it's been since I last wrote and although I do that because it's fitting somehow, it also gives me the feeling that I'm doing a horrible job at keeping a diary (which is definitely not what this is). That would not only mean that I'm doing the worst job ever, of keeping a diary, but also because it would be very.....lame =P
I don't have much to say that is of any value, really, I just wanted to write something at least. So I can at least talk about which games I've been messing around with.
I've been mostly playing Fallout actually, and that game is awesome. For the first time EVER, I came across my name in an actual game, a game that is as awesome as Fallout even, spelled exactly the way I spell it too. The funny part about this is that this NPC was actually a weapons dealer, lol =D
I've also been interested in Minecraft (that game is crazy fun) except that I don't have an original copy and can therefore only play by myself, which gets a bit boring after a while. So I'm planning on buying me a copy because I'd also like to support this game and have the creators add more content to it and update it =)
Våga inte beckna i min centrum!!!
Seriousness; Best observed between two men discussing sandwiches
There's been this thing that has annoyed me since I started writing here again. Naturally, it has to do with the topics of these entries, and while I can write nearly anything here, I always tend to favor the more serious entries. Whenever I visit this blog, my mind drifts off into serious topics, uncomfortable topics even, that sometimes need to be discussed just for the sake of spreading some awareness into a subject that is often times avoided.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good laugh as much as the next guy, but seriousness seems prevalent. I don't know, I guess I need to decide beforehand what it is I should write about, since the more recent topics were written on a whim and, as much as I like them, they don't really have that "willikins-feeling" about them =P
Anyways, til next time, take care, be safe, and don't hold that poop in!
The miracle of Creaion
I am interested in philosophy and were it not for the rumors of its difficulty, I would certainly choose it as my second subject in teaching. But I'm also hesitant since not every aspect of the philosophical world interest me. There are some philosophical areas that are just shit. Pure and gloriously stinking BULLSHIT. But then again...isn't philosophy in general? The art of asking silly, crazy, uncomfortable, stupid and sometimes meaningless questions and follow their train of thought wherever they might lead. Questions and musings that may lead to uncomfortable thoughts and ideas.
What interests me most however, is how creation and philosophy come together. Every person in history, past, present and future, is to some degree aware of something larger, grander and mysterious out there. Something that created our world, that ignited that spark of life, that set in motion the great engine of creation.
This world flows by following grander laws that we can’t even imagine.
Distractions, Motivation and Idleness
Hey readers!
I'd like to dedicate these introductory sentences to thank my devoted and zealous followers for making this blog to what it is. After all, these entries would never be written if it weren't for you and I like to extend a personal thanks to all of you. This place is, in reality, also a place where I vent off, where I write my frustration and happiness.
Before I take a moment to answer some questions that some of you have posted, I'd like to share with you my situation at the moment.
I am currently feeling extremely tired with school and was, for a moment, seriously considering dropping out and working full-time. But I can't give up, I have a plan and I should stick to it. Patience is the best of all virtues! I also find great distractions by watching series, movies and games but I promised myself to get myself back on track and start taking school seriously again.
And now for the questions!...or THE question actually, there's only one. A reader named Mad Willikins-fanatic asks the following:
Ok, now looking past the fact that the reader presented himself with two different nicknames, I've taken your question quite seriously and did some research.
My first source, which is our trusty Yahoo Answers, has the following to say about Milfs;
"MILFs are in the eyes of the beholder.
The female would, by technicality, have to be the mother of a child, even if not by blood relation.
It would also appear logical to assume that said female would have to be at least minimally pleasing on the eyes, let alone worthy of your sexual attention.
On the same token, it is possible for a MILF to also be a cougar, assuming she maintains her physical appearance.
By extension, a person's qualities can be those of the mental or emotional sort, as well."
Yahoo Answers gives us a lot of freedom and lets us be the judges when it comes to wether a Milf can be considered as such, while being very forgiving when it comes to fullfilling certain criterias. tells us the following;
"Must be 18+: A MILF usually refers to an older woman, usually at least in their mid 30s, but can loosely refer to any mother, even a young mother!"
They also give us a lot of freedom and also states that motherhood is the only requirement for being a Milf.
Our trusted Flashback forum however, have very different and dissentive ideas about what makes a Milf and how she should look like, here are two different but quite convincing arguments;
Version 1:
"En MILF ska ju helst vara omedveten om sin MILF-status. Den genuina MILF-en är medelklassmamman som på vardagarna jobbar, tar hand om ungarna efter dagis och på kvällen softar i mjukisbyxor framför TV´n - men till helgen pressar hon in sin fortfarande tighta kropp i något läckert som smiter åt kring hennes lagom runda rumpa och framhäver hennes naturligt tunga byst. Efter några glas rödtjut vaknar hennes sexuellt frustrerade kropp till liv och redan vid bardisken glänser ögonen av kåthet när en yngre man flirtar med henne.
Det är en MILF!"
Version 2:
"Men vafan! Man blir så trött på alla dessa som missförstår MILFs betydelse. Det är inte bokstavligt!
En attraktiv tonårsmorsa kan inte vara en MILF, även om man gärna hade knullat skiten ur henne.
En het 38-årig tvåbarnsmorsa som ser ut som en 22-åring kan inte vara en MILF även om hon har åldern, barnen och knullbarheten för det.
En MILF är en påsättbar medelålders-kvinna SOM SER UT SOM EN MEDELÅLDERSKVINNA! Om hon är en förälder eller ej spelar ingen roll.
Ninel Condé ser ut som en 25-30 åring, alltså kan hon inte vara en MILF. F.övr så ser hon för plastig ut för min smak, men jag skulle ändå inte tveka till att täppa till hennes fishål.
Gå nu och berätta för mamma och pappa vad magistern har lärt er"
I hope that this has shed some light into your question dear reader. And now that you have hopefully acquired invaluable new knowledge, you can go forth into the world, knowing that you can take on anything the world can throw at you.
'Til next time, take care =)
Hippie talk
I have wierd taste. In fact, I'm a pretty wierd guy. I have values, thoughts and ideas that are pretty uncommon, but then again, that in of itself might be ordinary, after all we're all different.
Now the reason I bring this up is because of my interests. I like things that many people find uninteresting especially when it comes to movies. I like movies that are ambigious and strange. "Lady in the Water" and "The Fountain" are two very good examples. I haven't met anyone who ever liked Lady in the Water and very few have seen it. The fountain is pretty much forgotten and never talked about. I myself didn't quite like it at first but came to appreciate after a while.
"The Man From Earth" is another movie that I enjoyed and apart from other movies I enjoy, where visual representation is a big bonus in my book, this movie had a strong and intriguing story in order to win the audiance.
All of these movies have something in common. They somehow tackle on and put forward existential questions to a certain degree. In other words, these are movies that make you think, that make you question and see things from a different point of view. This can also be said of other movies of course but there are movies that do that a lot better and in distinctive ways.
I've taken my customary "Movie Reasearch" and I'm delighted about the several awesome and quite interesting movies coming out these first 6 months =)
New Year My Ass
I don't like stupid holidays especially ones that are clearly without purpose and importance. What I especially don't like, are holidays/traditions that are celebrated just for the sake of celebration. People usually try to find excuses and occassions to celebrate and party. New Years is JUST such an occassion. No one really cares about the new year. You'll still have the same job, the same routine and the same pointless, miserable existence you previously had........then again, maybe that's why people get so drunk they're completely lost =P
Don't get me wrong, I'm a nice guy =P, I just don't like the hipocrisy behind it all. Face it, you just want an excuse to go out there and get drunk off your ass.
This entry isn't the best, but I'm sleepy and it's the first of many more to come, since I've decided to write here again. The Willikins blog is back! Except this time, I'll write in English =P
Random Thoughts
Back again.
It's been a hectic time. Got teacher practice right now, and I really feel swamped with work. There are a lot of things to take care of, including the assignments from the university. But I take one thing at a time, focusing on managing through the lessons I need to hold. I'm doing good if I could say so myself, but there's obviously room for improvement. I think I really would do great if I would just get more time with classes and without the pressure of being observed by another teacher. Ah well, it will come with time.
I also feel...nostalgic. As always. Old times. But for perhaps the first time, I also feel as if I've matured quite a bit and that I'm in a good place right now. Well....good place might not be the word, but certainly interesting =P
It's as if I've only now discovered how teaching really works and am eager to graduate so I can do it on my own, without any pressure.
One thing that is a bit of concern is the different schools. I've experienced the more responsible and "disciplined" students of high school. Whatever I may decide to do is okay with them, they go with the flow. But how would I fare with younger students in primary school? Who are more prone to get distracted, talk with their fellow classmates when they should listen and simply just fool around way too much at times?
As always when I delve into deep thoughts....I think of her again. I almost want to delete that last sentence. It's been nearly 3 years now since I ever mentioned her in writing, even longer since I spoke her name. But no more than a month or two since I thought of her. HAH, I must be pretty pathetic. It's still not too unusual of me to think about her, except that I just wonder about how she's doing, more than I miss her or want to see her. I keep thinking if she's met someone, how she's feeling, is she happy?
So bittersweet. All I would have done for her. And I got so little back. I'm not angry, or bitter...I just hope to meet someone who would appreciate that, someone who would be prepared to give me half of that back. Half is more than enough, I'd be satisfied with that.
I have decided now that I want to forget her completely. And yet, as I write this, I know that it's probably impossible. See what you did to me? My love for you scarred me for life. I loved you so much that my heart couldn't bear it inside. And so it tattoed your name all over, that's why I loved you so much it hurt. And now it still beats with your name tattoed all over. And it can't forget.
I'm no psycho. I'm just an unlucky guy who met the love of his life way too early. And made the wrong choices. Choices that fate has deemed irrevocable.
Mood setting
Hey all!
Long time since I wrote anything. Would be surprised if anyone still sticks around to read these entries, but I guess they're mostly for myself. Being able to look back and read and remember whatever I was thinking about and in what mood I was in helps somehow. Or so I like to think =P
Anyways, I'm really getting into music right now, something that happens once in a while except that now I'm really, really dying to CREATE music. I've always wanted to play an instrument and a good while back I bought a ukelele. I found out that it's quite hard to play (not that I quit easily, a normal guitar for example would be easier I imagine because it's so mainstream). IF there's an instrument that I would go for next however, it would definitely be the piano. A midi to be exact, so that you can hook it up to the computer and jam =D
I suddenly remembered a song that I had heard before called 'Gloomy Sunday'. It's quite a famous song, sung by countlless artists but my favorite version is by Heather Nova. I've mentioned the song before here on the blog and it has nice story behind it. You can look it up yourselves but the short version is that it's quite dark and it's now one of many songs collected added on my spotify.
It's the reason I'm writing this entry actually. Listening to different songs can really set the mood for ya, especially when I'm thinking about or writing a poem. Now when I think about it, mood is real important, not something you think about perhaps but should be given the attention because of just that; it is often ignored.
So now I'll be listening to some songs that I find fitting for the moment and perhaps a nice poem will come out of it.
Til' then, take care ^^
To tell you the truth; You're second hand =P
Anyways, now I only have two major things that need be done, and then the academic year is finally over.
Hopefully, I may have some work to do, but I only just applied and if contacted, I'll need to go and deal with an interview =P
Since I've been "busy", I haven't had time for any poetry-writing. But I'll make sure to post something, a good poem of a famous poet if not one of mine.
And now I need to be off and take my vokabulary test =)
I'm still here
I'm still here, got this place on my mind even though I haven't posted anything new. I'm not doing anything special during this period, school is a bit intense but only in small bursts and a big one is coming now when summer is right around the corner, a lot of stuff are going to need to be done. Could get ugly but not if I use the time right and do everything beforehand.
Anyway, here's another poem I've written, I've written others too and while they might be considered cool, I like this one for some reason (even though it doesn't rhime all that much =P)
Enjoy ^^
Poems can be about all things imaginable, or unimaginable.
Usually though, I think of poems and love
So this is another love poem.
You might think you could have said all you can about love by now
But here we are again. And what more could be said?
Is it the feeling itself that matters? Or the state you’re in?
It’s like you’re high, with rosy colored thoughts in your head
Is it the want to love somebody? Or the need to be loved?
Is it the overwhelmed heart for loving too much? Or is it the one-sided love that so aches?
Is it the happiness at being in your loves’ presence? Or the painful times you made all those mistakes?
Is it the unexplainable feeling of your loves’ eyes gazing into your own?
Is it the insatiable hunger of blazing the contours of their body onto your eyes?
Or perhaps the long hours of listening to each others’ breathing over the phone?
Is it the kind of loving that’s so strong you can tell if your love has been near?
B’cuz you didn’t see or hear her, but you picked up her scent, even though she doesn’t wear any perfume...
What more could be said?
Are these words enough? Are they even true?
Because love can be a lot of things, very different between what you and I know
So what will this poem mean to you?
Will you go look for love? I’d prefer not to
I like to think that love hates being found. It’s something to be discovered
You go through your days, months and years until one day
You feel different. And it’s a good feeling.