
That's just how I feel like I've been treated =P
Things are a bit....shitty, right now, but I know that better times are ahead. I'm mainly talking about school but there are other things that need to be taken caren aswell, such as renewing my passport. Since its "expiration date" I've been goin' around here and there with absolutely no way of confirming my identity =P That means that I have a very little chance of successfully depositing money in my bank account so we can pay the bills and you're probably thinking "w8 a minute, why doesn't someone else deposit that money in your/their account and then send it to you?". The simple answer is...everyone is just lazy (see previous entry =P), including me. And no, I don't have a regular ID card. Why? see previous entry =P

One of the teachers is being a bit of a hassle. I kinda liked him, he was always organized and thorough and although it may seem like we did little during his lessons, at the end you always had the answers you been looking for. But then he just....snapped? I'm beginning to wonder if he's gay..would explain a couple of things, but not everything =P
Well, just made a tick off list on my desktop, and all of those things should be done in a couple of days =)

I just thought about something that I could add at the end of each entry, namely, the topic of the next one =D
I don't know how successful this will be since the reason I don't write here too often is because I can't seem to come up with anything good to write about. Hmm, better yet, why don't you, yes you, my non-existent reader, suggest a topic I should write about? Just leave a comment on what it is you think I should talk (shit) about or share my opinions of and so on.

Peez out

Postat av: the non-existing reader dåråå....

HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA "I'm beginning to wonder if he's gay..." aaasg!

Hmmmm skriv om potatis! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Dem är gula och goda som JAG HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

2010-03-28 @ 22:47:39

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