Hippie talk

I have wierd taste. In fact, I'm a pretty wierd guy. I have values, thoughts and ideas that are pretty uncommon, but then again, that in of itself might be ordinary, after all we're all different.

Now the reason I bring this up is because of my interests. I like things that many people find uninteresting especially when it comes to movies. I like movies that are ambigious and strange. "Lady in the Water" and "The Fountain" are two very good examples. I haven't met anyone who ever liked Lady in the Water and very few have seen it. The fountain is pretty much forgotten and never talked about. I myself didn't quite like it at first but came to appreciate after a while.

"The Man From Earth" is another movie that I enjoyed and apart from other movies I enjoy, where visual representation is a big bonus in my book, this movie had a strong and intriguing story in order to win the audiance.

All of these movies have something in common. They somehow tackle on and put forward existential questions to a certain degree. In other words, these are movies that make you think, that make you question and see things from a different point of view. This can also be said of other movies of course but there are movies that do that a lot better and in distinctive ways.

I've taken my customary "Movie Reasearch" and I'm delighted about the several awesome and quite interesting movies coming out these first 6 months =)

New Year My Ass

Ok, so I just came back after spending an eternity downtown just walking around and freezing my ass off after watching hunreds of thousands of crowns burn and explode in a multitude of colours for no good reason at all. It shouldn't be forgotten that this also included fighting your way through huge masses of people who are for the most part drunk and incredibly eager to ruin someone's day by talking or alternatively barfing all over them.

I don't like stupid holidays especially ones that are clearly without purpose and importance. What I especially don't like, are holidays/traditions that are celebrated just for the sake of celebration. People usually try to find excuses and occassions to celebrate and party. New Years is JUST such an occassion. No one really cares about the new year. You'll still have the same job, the same routine and the same pointless, miserable existence you previously had........then again, maybe that's why people get so drunk they're completely lost =P

Don't get me wrong, I'm a nice guy =P, I just don't like the hipocrisy behind it all. Face it, you just want an excuse to go out there and get drunk off your ass.

This entry isn't the best, but I'm sleepy and it's the first of many more to come, since I've decided to write here again. The Willikins blog is back! Except this time, I'll write in English =P

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