Distractions, Motivation and Idleness

Hey readers!

I'd like to dedicate these introductory sentences to thank my devoted and zealous followers for making this blog to what it is. After all, these entries would never be written if it weren't for you and I like to extend a personal thanks to all of you. This place is, in reality, also a place where I vent off, where I write my frustration and happiness.

Before I take a moment to answer some questions that some of you have posted, I'd like to share with you my situation at the moment.
I am currently feeling extremely tired with school and was, for a moment, seriously considering dropping out and working full-time. But I can't give up, I have a plan and I should stick to it. Patience is the best of all virtues! I also find great distractions by watching series, movies and games but I promised myself to get myself back on track and start taking school seriously again.

And now for the questions!...or THE question actually, there's only one. A reader named Mad Willikins-fanatic asks the following:



Ok, now looking past the fact that the reader presented himself with two different nicknames, I've taken your question quite seriously and did some research.
My first source, which is our trusty Yahoo Answers, has the following to say about Milfs;

"MILFs are in the eyes of the beholder.
The female would, by technicality, have to be the mother of a child, even if not by blood relation.
It would also appear logical to assume that said female would have to be at least minimally pleasing on the eyes, let alone worthy of your sexual attention.
On the same token, it is possible for a MILF to also be a cougar, assuming she maintains her physical appearance.
By extension, a person's qualities can be those of the mental or emotional sort, as well.

Yahoo Answers gives us a lot of freedom and lets us be the judges when it comes to wether a Milf can be considered as such, while being very forgiving when it comes to fullfilling certain criterias.

kgbanswers.com tells us the following;

"Must be 18+: A MILF usually refers to an older woman, usually at least in their mid 30s, but can loosely refer to any mother, even a young mother!"

They also give us a lot of freedom and also states that motherhood is the only requirement for being a Milf.

Our trusted Flashback forum however, have very different and dissentive ideas about what makes a Milf and how she should look like, here are two different but quite convincing arguments;

Version 1:

"En MILF ska ju helst vara omedveten om sin MILF-status. Den genuina MILF-en är medelklassmamman som på vardagarna jobbar, tar hand om ungarna efter dagis och på kvällen softar i mjukisbyxor framför TV´n - men till helgen pressar hon in sin fortfarande tighta kropp i något läckert som smiter åt kring hennes lagom runda rumpa och framhäver hennes naturligt tunga byst. Efter några glas rödtjut vaknar hennes sexuellt frustrerade kropp till liv och redan vid bardisken glänser ögonen av kåthet när en yngre man flirtar med henne.

Det är en MILF!

Version 2:

"Men vafan! Man blir så trött på alla dessa som missförstår MILFs betydelse. Det är inte bokstavligt!
En attraktiv tonårsmorsa kan inte vara en MILF, även om man gärna hade knullat skiten ur henne.
En het 38-årig tvåbarnsmorsa som ser ut som en 22-åring kan inte vara en MILF även om hon har åldern, barnen och knullbarheten för det.
En MILF är en påsättbar medelålders-kvinna SOM SER UT SOM EN MEDELÅLDERSKVINNA! Om hon är en förälder eller ej spelar ingen roll.
Ninel Condé ser ut som en 25-30 åring, alltså kan hon inte vara en MILF. F.övr så ser hon för plastig ut för min smak, men jag skulle ändå inte tveka till att täppa till hennes fishål.
Gå nu och berätta för mamma och pappa vad magistern har lärt er

I hope that this has shed some light into your question dear reader. And now that you have hopefully acquired invaluable new knowledge, you can go forth into the world, knowing that you can take on anything the world can throw at you.
'Til next time, take care =)

Postat av: Willikinshunter (the sexy kind)

Dear Willy.

I have realised something after reading this. It feels like you have reached your hand out to your readers, grabbed their hearts and stuffed them with love. Not the nasty kind of love, but the good kind. The one that turns me on....

Stanna kvar i skolan. Jobb som inte kräver akademisk utbildning är oftast inget annat än pure shitola. K7ara (Did I spell it right?!).


Abu Yarrak.

2011-02-03 @ 14:26:10
Postat av: Trädet

En fågel viskade i mitt öra att du dissat mig när du hade din depressionsperiod för några veckor sen, så mitt svar är Fuck You Right Back Bitch.

Din förre detta vän, Trädet.

2011-02-06 @ 15:17:24

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