Hippie talk

I have wierd taste. In fact, I'm a pretty wierd guy. I have values, thoughts and ideas that are pretty uncommon, but then again, that in of itself might be ordinary, after all we're all different.

Now the reason I bring this up is because of my interests. I like things that many people find uninteresting especially when it comes to movies. I like movies that are ambigious and strange. "Lady in the Water" and "The Fountain" are two very good examples. I haven't met anyone who ever liked Lady in the Water and very few have seen it. The fountain is pretty much forgotten and never talked about. I myself didn't quite like it at first but came to appreciate after a while.

"The Man From Earth" is another movie that I enjoyed and apart from other movies I enjoy, where visual representation is a big bonus in my book, this movie had a strong and intriguing story in order to win the audiance.

All of these movies have something in common. They somehow tackle on and put forward existential questions to a certain degree. In other words, these are movies that make you think, that make you question and see things from a different point of view. This can also be said of other movies of course but there are movies that do that a lot better and in distinctive ways.

I've taken my customary "Movie Reasearch" and I'm delighted about the several awesome and quite interesting movies coming out these first 6 months =)

Postat av: Azzam Al-britani

Rubber dinghy rapids, Mashallah brother.

2011-01-03 @ 18:58:26
Postat av: giv

martial law brother, martial law.

2011-01-08 @ 23:51:04
Postat av: harith

I have wierd taste. In fact, I'm a pretty wierd guy. I have values, thoughts and ideas that are pretty uncommon, but then again, that in of itself might be ordinary, after all we're all different.

Now the reason I bring this up is because of my interests. I like things that many people find uninteresting especially when it comes to movies. I like movies that are ambigious and strange. "Lady in the Water" and "The Fountain" are two very good examples. I haven't met anyone who ever liked Lady in the Water and very few have seen it. The fountain is pretty much forgotten and never talked about. I myself didn't quite like it at first but came to appreciate after a while.

"The Man From Earth" is another movie that I enjoyed and apart from other movies I enjoy, where visual representation is a big bonus in my book, this movie had a strong and intriguing story in order to win the audiance.

All of these movies have something in common. They somehow tackle on and put forward existential questions to a certain degree. In other words, these are movies that make you think, that make you question and see things from a different point of view. This can also be said of other movies of course but there are movies that do that a lot better and in distinctive ways.

I've taken my customary "Movie Reasearch" and I'm delighted about the several awesome and quite interesting movies coming out these first 6 months =)

2011-01-09 @ 00:00:33
Postat av: harith

förresten jag hade redan skrivit det där.

2011-01-09 @ 00:01:10
Postat av: Abu Dawud Al-suedi

Vad leker harry diva som inte svarar på kommentarerna?

Harry sluta leka fin och svara eller banna våra ip-adresser så vi inte kan skriva mer HAHAHAHA

2011-01-10 @ 16:25:50
Postat av: Your number #1 fan

Har du dött eller? fräls oss med dina visdomsord!

2011-01-24 @ 16:25:57
Postat av: Mad Willikins-fanatic

Since Willisliskins isn't posting anything on his blog anymore, I'm taking the liberty to post a thought of my own....



2011-01-27 @ 19:56:47

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