Having a blog

Whenever I visit the blog, I always tend to think about its purpose, often wanting to delete it. The very idea of having a blog may seem conceited but I guess it depends on what you want to do with it. And it is exactly that train of thought which keeps me from getting rid of it, because I've found it a good purpose.

The purpose of it is to "document", if you will, my progression when it comes to language and the proficiency with which it is used. And although that started not so long ago ( 1 year ago, and how many entries? 10? =P) it also captures something else. That something else, is my personal development, something that will hopefully be evident the longer this blog progresses and persists.
It is for this reason I may write about the things I like or hate. The purpose isn't to have as many readers as possible and that is why it is also perhaps more appropriate to call these memoirs, not a blog and not a diary.

My poems however, although I don't write as many as I used to, are not published here but in facebook. Somehow facebook came to be the medium through which they will be published and kept but I also consider it quite fitting. The reason is because, unlike these entries, the idea of writing poems that will never be read is very discouraging. Facebook, being so socially connected, provides a very good alternative =)

It will be interesting to see how the coming years will be, BUT, for all I know, this idea may totally missfire because of my laziness =P

Postat av: Newborn soul

Breaking my patterns, breaking my habits, breaking my past.

Many parts of my old life have been lost in the many mazes of my mind. I don't know why. It might be because of mental trauma (or physical).

Most of my past is simply a mystery, but what bugs me the most is my struggle to clear everything out. Why would I want to do this, when I am no longer H****h? When I try to erase remnants of my past?

Maybe a small part of me is convinced that H****h can be saved.

Thinking of this makes my head hurt. I should rest.

2011-04-27 @ 17:26:13
Postat av: Hej jag heter Miran och gillar att få korvar i rumpan

Miran sluta upp med dina gayness kommentarer


2011-05-29 @ 22:38:50
Postat av: Hej jag heter hussein och jag älskar att vara gay ass hatare

srsly.. stop the hating

2011-06-02 @ 01:15:58
Postat av: miran


2011-06-02 @ 01:16:21

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