A New Beginning, A New Purpose

Bismillah alrahman alrahim! - In God's name the most Beneficient the most Merciful

So I have decided, God willing, to fully revive this blog and dedicate it towards a new purpose just as I have decided to take control of the direction of my life. I still wish this to be a personal blog, one riddled with personal ideas, thoughts and sharing. The new direction of this initiative is that I will be posting a lot more topics concerning religion and my personal experience with it in practicing it, studying it and applying it in my daily life.
I'd still like to think this to be a more easy-going blog in the sense that it should not rush headlong into strict "proffessionalism" since this is after all a personal blog and I am certainly no professional in such matters. I would also like to mainly use English as it is my language of choice in the sense that it engages me and constantly motivates me through its mindboggling vocabulary, poeticity and availability (after all, it is considered a universal language for a reason). Not that Swedish isn't but when it comes down to push and shove, I seem to favor English as it does come to me more easily when dealing with slightly academically inclined topics and writing. I would also like to reserve such occassions where I would use Swedish should the topic require me to do so and if it would be more preferable.
I would also like to dedicate this blog to the Muslim community in general as many of the topics here will concern them and indeed actively target them. Topics towards how Muslims are treated and how their lives are influenced by the foreign societes they live in will also actively, and hopefully, reach as many as possible. Topics like Islamophobia, Equal Rights, Democracy and spirituality in our modern society will be an exciting area to write in.
In the end, I have great ambitions with this blog, and I will hopefully be able to write at least once a week if not more. I feel eager to start this journey with you, my dear reader, and whether you be a single person or a thousand, I will continue to write if I am given the ability to do so.

Until next time, Allahs blessings and peace be upon you!


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